Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese: Is It Bad or Safe For My Dog?


When it comes to sharing food with our furry companions, many dog owners find themselves wondering about the safety of certain human foods for their pets. One such food is Parmesan cheese. As a popular topping and ingredient in various dishes, Parmesan cheese has found its way into many households. But can dogs partake in this cheesy delight? In this article, we will explore whether Parmesan cheese is safe for dogs to consume or if it should be avoided altogether.

Nutritional Value of Parmesan Cheese

Before delving into the potential effects of Parmesan cheese on dogs, let’s first examine its nutritional value. Parmesan cheese is known for its rich, nutty flavor and is commonly used as a topping for pasta, salads, and other dishes. It’s a type of hard, aged cheese that is made from cow’s milk.

Parmesan cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. It also contains vitamins such as vitamin A and B vitamins. Additionally, it provides minerals like phosphorus and zinc. While these nutrients are beneficial for humans, the question remains: are they equally beneficial for our canine companions?

Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese?

The answer to whether dogs can eat Parmesan cheese isn’t a straightforward “yes” or “no.” While Parmesan cheese itself isn’t inherently toxic to dogs, there are several factors to consider before sharing this treat with your furry friend.

Lactose Intolerance

One important consideration is lactose intolerance. Many dogs, like some humans, have difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. Parmesan cheese, like all dairy products, contains lactose. Dogs that are lactose intolerant may experience gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and stomach upset, after consuming dairy products.

Salt Content

Another factor to keep in mind is the salt content of Parmesan cheese. High levels of sodium in a dog’s diet can lead to sodium ion poisoning, also known as salt poisoning. Symptoms of salt poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, increased urination, tremors, seizures, and even death in severe cases. Parmesan cheese is often salty, so feeding it to your dog in excess could potentially lead to these health issues.

Calories and Weight Management

Parmesan cheese is calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain if not fed in moderation. Obesity in dogs can lead to various health problems, including joint issues, heart disease, and diabetes. If you decide to share Parmesan cheese with your dog, it’s crucial to consider their overall caloric intake and ensure that this treat doesn’t contribute to excessive weight gain.

Benefits of Parmesan Cheese for Dogs

While there are potential drawbacks to feeding Parmesan cheese to dogs, there are also some potential benefits, albeit in moderation.

Protein and Calcium

The protein and calcium content in Parmesan cheese can be beneficial for dogs, especially as part of a balanced diet. Protein is essential for muscle maintenance and repair, while calcium is important for bone health and development. However, it’s essential to remember that dogs have different nutritional needs than humans, and their diet should primarily consist of dog-specific foods formulated to meet these needs.

Moderation is Key

If you’re considering sharing a small amount of Parmesan cheese with your dog, moderation is key. Opt for low-sodium or reduced-fat varieties and only offer a small piece as an occasional treat. Always monitor your dog for any adverse reactions and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

Alternatives to Parmesan Cheese

If you’re hesitant about feeding your dog Parmesan cheese or if you know your dog has specific dietary restrictions, there are alternative treats you can consider.

Carrot Sticks: Carrots are low in calories and high in fiber and vitamins. They make a crunchy and healthy treat for dogs.

Apple Slices: Apples, without seeds or cores, provide vitamins and antioxidants. Just be sure to remove any seeds or choking hazards.

Plain Cooked Chicken: Cooked chicken is a lean source of protein that many dogs enjoy. Be sure to remove any bones.

Commercial Dog Treats: There are numerous dog treats available on the market that are formulated to be safe and healthy for dogs. Look for options that are specifically designed for your dog’s size and dietary needs.


In conclusion, while Parmesan cheese is not inherently toxic to dogs, there are several factors to consider before sharing it with your furry companion. Lactose intolerance, high salt content, and calorie density are all important factors to keep in mind. If you do choose to share Parmesan cheese with your dog, do so in moderation and opt for low-sodium varieties. However, there are plenty of safer and healthier alternatives available that can make for enjoyable treats for your beloved pet. As always, consult with your veterinarian before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet to ensure their health and well-being.